Monday, November 30, 2009

Learn from mistakes

The story that I've read it in a book which really made me to think about being diplomatic with people.

I'm not a good diplomat. I sulk with people and not good in relationship. But the story infused a change in my thinking.

I've a habit of reading Tamil weekly magazines. My mother is the reason for that habit. She used to tell that magazines contain many vital information and improve reading habits. So whenever I go home I read those magazines.

The story is about "Learn from mistakes".

A girl had lost her entire family except her brother during a war. The children were left homeless and wandering on the streets. The government had arranged for a train to the people to go to relief homes.

There were thousands of people waiting for the train to come. In the freezing station the people waited for 3 days. But before they were frozen to death, the train had arrived. The frantic people were trying to board the train to have a seat for them. The girl was managed to get into the train, but her brother was struggling to get in. However after long fight he got into the train but he lost his footwear.

The brother told her sister about that. IN frustration she told "We've already lost everything and now you've lost your foot wear in this winter. You are going to suffer again". The boy got disappointed after scolded by her sister. When the girl alighted at the station, she couldn't find her brother.

After so many years, she couldn't find her brother. When she tried to remember about her brother, all she was able to do was that altercation.

Then she decided not to scold anyone and speak in a very diplomatic manner. She learned from her past mistakes but at the cost of her brother.


We don't know whether we will meet the same person again in our life or not. Serendipity won't happen in our life often.


Karthikeyan said...

I have a question.... your profile says.... "ppl think I am crazy, quite"... I feel that "crazy and quite" are oxymoron ...??

Vignesh said...

Good one!

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