Saturday, October 16, 2010

ORA 12154 error in windows 7

I've installed oracle server in my windows 7. The installation was successful and able to connect to server using PL sql developer client. I was getting the error 'ORA 12154 TNS could not resolve the connect identifier specified' 

The TNS entries are perfect and oracle home is set properly, but I couldn't login. I've googled it and couldn’t find a solution. Finally I found the solution in the forums of 'Allround automations' and it has worked for me. Thanks a lot to them.

There are two program files folder in windows 7. one is 'Program files' and other one is 'Program Files(x86)'.
While installing oracle I've selected 'Program Files(x86)' as destination. That' the reason for the error.
I've moved the ‘PLSQL Developer’ folder to the 'Program Files' folder and it has worked for me.

You can find the original post in the below link


bhuff said...

gud info nga...

Raul Arturo said...

Very helpful, I was wondering what was wrong after checking configuration again and again. Thank u very much.

Anisha Chopra said...

Thanks so much... It realy resolved my issue

Unknown said...

Thanks so much!! issue was not exactly similar, but ur solution really helped me!!...Thanks again!!

Niladri Dutta said...

thanks a lot man....moving it to program files folder really works...thanks for help !!!

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